High-resolution MQA Audio Explained Simple – Wondering if you could listen to the original pieces of your favourite artists, the way they were recorded in the studio. Yes, it’s possible now. Ditch the CD tracks as new high-resolution audio is making its way through the industry. Master Quality Authenticated audio or MAQ audio is the perfect choice. Let’s go deep and understand all the intricacies.
Master Quality Authenticated audio is one of the breakthrough technologies in the audio engineering industry. It’s made by two words master quality and authenticated. Master quality means original quality audio in high resolution just like recorded in the studio with no compressions/changes being done. And with “authenticated,” it means it’s directly from the original creators and has no compressions. It’s just that seems like a digital twin or the studio copy in a completely original format without tampering or compressing.
Need for MQA Audio
As the traditional devices or the portable ones have limited capacity, it sometimes becomes impossible to load high-resolution audio and listen to it. The file sizes wouldn’t allow you to do so. Also, streaming of such high-resolution audio is in itself becoming an issue. To overcome all this, MQA audio emerges as the winner. MQA enables you to listen to ear-pleasing audio and your fav tracks/podcasts in high resolution even on a portable device having limited storage. The new technologies have even allowed MQA to get integrated with smart home devices UK for a more amazing experience.
Benefits of MQA Audio
Here are some reasons why MQA audio is gaining popularity in the UK and even across the globe over CD-quality audio.
How Can You Listen to MQA?
You can listen to MQA through streaming services such as Tidal. It uses special hardware to decode the MQA files and encode back again to give users a superior listening experience. Many more platforms such as Spotify, Amazon etc. are coming up and bringing their premium versions to offer a lossless and high-resolution listening experience to their users.
How does MQA Audio Work?
The science behind MQA follows the principles of how the human ear words and digital coding. Our ears are always in working mode. Our ears can easily spot where the audio is coming from near, far, left, or right direction. By using this amazing human ear capability, various instruments can be placed at various places during a live event/concert or studio recording. MQA enables capturing this timing information from the master recording. The advanced filters amazingly perform the digital coding to give original audio in high resolution at a small file size. In fact, MQA has reduced the carbon footprint caused by traditional CD quality by 80% and leverages sustainable audio technology.
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